About Mosaico CDC

Mosaico Community Development Corporation is a not-for-profit, 501(c)(3) corporation established in 1992 to identify community needs and to develop and implement means to address those needs in the Wood Street neighborhood of Bristol, Rhode Island.

The neighborhood is dominated by the 18 acre former Kaiser Mill Complex which is bordered by Wood and Franklin streets. Augustus Bourn initiated development of the property as the National Rubber Company in 1864. Samuel Colt acquired the mill in 1887 and renamed it the National India Rubber Company. In 1892 he merged it with other recently acquired mills to create US Rubber. The Kaiser Aluminum and Chemical Corporation acquired the property in 1957 and operated it as a copper and aluminum wire plant. In 1977, Kaiser gave the property to Roger Williams College which sought to develop it as an educational and residential facility. Their plans were unsuccessful, and in the following decades, the property began to deteriorate.

In 1989, the manager of the former Kaiser complex appealed to local architect/planner Merritt Meyer who advised a significant redevelopment project. Meyer also encouraged involving the community at the outset of the project to assess neighborhood needs and garner support. Agreeing with Meyer’s assessment, town officials engaged Newport Collaborative to facilitate the redevelopment process. In August 1991, Newport Collaborative presented the Kaiser Mill Complex and Neighborhood Revitalization Plan to the Town Council for review and consideration. The Plan was approved unanimously and subsequently incorporated into the Town’s Comprehensive Plan. A key element of the plan was to form a neighborhood group to be a vehicle for carrying out the plan. In 1992 the group was incorporated as Mosaico Community Development Corporation.

In the following years, Mosaico worked closely with the town and neighborhood as the mill complex redevelopment proceeded. It also identified other neighborhood needs and between 1992 and 2018, Mosaico received over $2.5 million in Community Development Block Grants as a sub-recipient for Town of Bristol. The grants were used for storefront improvements, better street lighting, and other upgrades. It also began to support economic development through workforce training programs and offered workshops on lead paint, internet safety, and other community concerns.

Alongside its economic and neighborhood projects, Mosaico developed educational programs, including a mentoring program at Kickemuit Middle School, a drop-out prevention program at Mount Hope High School, and a heritage education program for 4th graders in the Bristol Warren Regional School District.

In 2010, Mosaico formed a business arm, Mosaico Business CDC, to rehabilitate the remainder of the industrial park which had fallen into further disrepair. From 2010-2020, Mosaico Business secured grants for brownfields remediation, installed fire suppression systems, and began to repair and rebuild historic structures throughout the industrial park. In 2020, Bristol resident Joseph A. Brito purchased the remainder of the industrial park, transforming it into Unity Park, a thriving business and entertainment complex in downtown Bristol.

Newport Collaborative rendering